Kate and her song (4th)

Hello everyone!

How are you? I am very happy because the weather has been beautiful lately! We are getting so close to summer.

The song we are going to listen to this week is “ME!” by Taylor Swift. Do you know Taylor Swift? She is a singer that is very famous and she is from the United States. Her music is in the pop genre.

I hope that you enjoy this song! Have a good weekend!
- Kate

Hola chic@s!

Qué tal? Estoy muy feliz porque el clima es muy bueno! Nosotros estamos casi en verano.

La cancion que vamos escuchar esta semana es “ME!” de Taylor Swift. Conoces a Taylor Swift? Ella es una cantante muy famosa de Estados Unidos. Su musica es “pop.”

Espero que disfrutéis esta canción! Buen fin de semana!
- Kate


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Year 21/22

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