Kate 1st song

Hello everyone!

I hope that you are doing well and enjoying your time in this beautiful weather we are having. I want to give you some music to help you enjoy the quickly approaching summer. The first song I want to start with is ABC by The Jackson 5. You probably don’t know The Jackson 5, but do you know Michael Jackson? Before he became very famous, he was in a band with some of his family members called The Jackson 5. They were very famous too!

I hope you enjoy it!
- Kate

Hola a tod@s
Espero que lo estéis haciendo bien y disfrutando vuestro tiempo con este maravilloso clima que estamos teniendo. Quiero haceros llegar algo de música para disfrutar de la inmenente llegada del verano. 
La primera canción con la voy a empezar es ABC de los Jackson 5. Vosotr@s probablemente no los conoceréis , pero y a Michael Jackson? Antes de ser tan famoso, él estaba en un grupo con miembros de su familia, llamados los Jackson 5. 
Ellos fueron muy famosos también.
Espero que lo disfrutéis.

1 comentario:

Year 21/22

Hello boys and girls! Welcome to this blog again. We are in a new school year and we are going to learn a lot of things together. If you rem...