Year 21/22

Hello boys and girls! Welcome to this blog again. We are in a new school year and we are going to learn a lot of things together. If you remember, you learnt many things about America with Kate last year. We learn about American sports, important cities, typical food, holidays... So, be ready to continue learning... See you tomorrow!

Martin Luther King Jr. day

 As we are working in the USA celebrations, I send you this link to know and to learn who was Martin Luther King and to understand why American people celebrate this day.

I hope you like it.

Como estamos trabajando en las fiestas americanas más importantes, os mando un enlace para saber y aprender quién fue Martin Luther King y para entender  por qué los american@s celebran este día.

(poned los subtitulos en castellano y escuchadlo dos o tres veces para aprender alguna nueva palabra)

La semana que viene hablaremos sobre el tema.

Espero que os guste.



Thanksgiving dinner

Let's check if you are able to send me this worksheet. I wait for your emails. Charo

Celebrations in the USA

 Here are some of the most important celebrations in America.

Can you match the names with the pictures?

I'm waiting for your answers


Basketball and baseball

 And here we are again, working a lot, about the most famous American sports.

4th grade students likes basketball a lot and they are working on it, but 5th and 6th grade are learning a lot  about baseball.


Y aquí estamos de nuevo, trabajando mucho sobre los deportes americanos más populares.

A los alumnos de 4º les gusta mucho el baloncesto y están trabajando en ello, pero 5º y 6º están aprendiendo mucho sobre el beisbol.

Ya os iremos mostrando su trabajo.

Good night! 

1st Task

Why don't you find out about the most famous American sports? 

Come on! Enjoy your work

¿Por qué no investigamos sobre los deportes más famosos en America?

Disfrutad vuestro trabajo.



And here you have the diferent topics , our children have to know about.

Which one do you prefer?

 They want to start with the SPORTS.

Good choice¡

America project

 We are already on the way and with many new fetures

Our 4th, 5th and 6th grade students are going to start a project about America. They want to surprise Kate and she is going to help us to get to know her country.

Let's start¡


Y ya estamos en marcha y con muchas novedades...

Los alumnos de 4º, 5º y 6º de primaria van a comenzar un proyecto sobre América, quieren darle una sorpresa a Kate y ella nos va a ayudar a conocer su país.


 Welcome back!

 Tomorrow ,we start school again and we are very happy because we are going to see you again.


Love you all



Year 21/22

Hello boys and girls! Welcome to this blog again. We are in a new school year and we are going to learn a lot of things together. If you rem...